Monday, March 7, 2011

Natalie's Visit

Natalie's husband Gordon was travelling all week, so I asked her over for an impromtu dinner on Saturday night.

Since I think of Nat as the Chicken Whisperer, I made her a special dessert: red velvet mini-cakes covered with egg-laying hens (which were former "Peeps.")

We sat down to watch a movie after supper...

...and both Oreo and Cookie decided to snuggle in with Natalie while she brushed them.

My cats are well trained, eh?


Claire said...

Hey Ronna that dessert looks delish, certainly something to crow about (lousy pun, but couldn't resist it....) Red velvet mini cakes, just the name alone sounds so enticing....... The hens and eggs are cute as....
Ooh if I was a cat napper I know of two gorgeous felines I would love to have living in my home, but I think my Tigger would have something to say about it though!
They look so relaxed and comfortable on Natalies lap.
Sounds like you had a good night all round.

Claire :}

Knatolee said...

Okay, that's hilarious, a whole blog pots about me. I'm famous! Hahahaha!

Thank you for a wonderful evening, and from saving me for eating cereal for dinner. ;) I had a fabulous time, and Gordon loved the cake I brought home for him. :)

Addison Dewitt said...

This girl whispers to chickens?... now I've heard it all.

Razzberry Corner said...

The kitties do look very happy with Nat's brushing! The cakes look adorable!!! And yummy, too!

Victoria May said...

Those cakes are just the cutest!


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