On Saturday I helped organize the annual book sale for the
Glengarry Pioneer Museum, which was to be our last and to go out with a bang. Music! Beer! Books!

We had big plans and thousands of books.

Unfortunately, Mother Nature didn't get an invitation to the party so she rained on our parade.

But book buyers are a tough bunch and a little rain wasn't going to stop them from getting a good bargain.

My friend Julie and her daughter Shauna came prepared with a large umbrella.

Some of our musicians braved the rain until a huge thunderstorm rolled in and everyone ran for cover.

Meanwhile, others stayed dry in the old Greenfield Hall where there was more reading material offered.

At the front door, Flora and her helper Barbara were selling Flora's homemade pies for $2 a slice. (I had a slab of butterscotch pie --yum-o!)

When we got home, to put up our tired feet, another storm rolled in but this time it hailed like crazy!

I froze a bag of this amazing hail to put in our drinks on some hot night.

The better part of the folowing day was spent in Richard's gazebo drinking mojitos. And yes, it was a lovely, partly cloudy, but mostly sunny, DRY day, darn it!