Last Saturday, Vankleek Hill hosted its annual Trash 'n' Treasure Day when the whole town becomes one giant garage sale. We've skipped it a few years because frankly, who needs more junk? This year we decided to go. I found a brand new autograph book. Remember those?

I also came across this dotty plate for $1 that I thought would be good to serve Smarties or M&Ms.

My late mother spent the last 5 years of her life looking for old slate pencils. She said she remembered them as a child. I came across them in their original box, amongst a bunch of other junk, and bought the whole thing for a dollar. What the heck am I going to do with a box of slate pencils?

While still channelling my mum, I spotted a Dundee marmalade jam jar -- I have a few of mum's in the kitchen used to store twist ties and pens -- for 25 cents. I have enough of them but I felt my mother's presence and kind of had to buy it.

Richard found a book at a church sale, a box of new candles and this old toboggan which will be use this winter to haul wood.

My best find? This white shelf for $3 which is now hanging in my teeny tiny bathroom. It gives me room to show my fun china and more stuff I've collected over the years. In my next life, I'm going to be a minimalist!
What fun. The timing of that sale ran perfectly with my birthday and anniversary. Great way to greet summer! Great finds!!!
What fabulous finds! I have the autograph my mother used as a child. :)
I have my mother's Dundee marmalade jar full of pencils and twist-ties and rubber bands in my kitchen, too!
Sometimes it's fun to be seduced by these sales. Looks like you found some treasure!
Yowsers, what a haul Ronna............well done.
Love the polka dot plate, would be fun trying to eat smarties from it...........which is the smartie and which is the polka dot? hehehe
I remember the Autograph books, my mum had 3 or 4 from her childhood. Funny thing I was just thinking about them the other day and trying to remember what some people had written.
Enjoy using your stash.........
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