Friday, April 30, 2010

Walter's Hot Dogs

More roadfood reports. A few years ago I was in Larchmont, New York with my friend John who went to high school there. He insisted we stop at a hot dog joint in Mamaroneck that he remembered from his youth called Walter's.

Years ago, when Gourmet magazine was thriving, it named Walter's as the best hot dog in the U.S.A.

Even better? Those dogs make their way out into the world from a Chinese pagoda, built in 1919.

In 1991, it was named an historical landmark. That's John and me standing under the Walter's sign.

And how can't you love a font made of wieners?

Don't forget to ask for your dog topped with their special Walter's mustard.

The seating is out back on picnic tables.

And get the curly, seasoned fries with your dog. They are the bomb!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bob's Clam Hut

Since writing about Jane & Michael Stern's Roadfood adventures, I thought I'd post a few of my own. A few years back, Richard and I took a quick weekend trip to New Hampshire and Maine and had to go to Bob's Clam Hut in Kittery, Maine. Note: I'm already wearing my Bob's Clam Hut t-shirt!

I'd been here before and just had to return. Just look at those fried clams.

Can't wait to go back. Bob's: here we come!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dirty Trick

Okay, it's spring, right? This is what I woke up to yesterday morning. My primroses were not amused.

Nor were the newly emerging asparagus!

The grape hyacinth looked particularly fetching in their new white coat.

The daffodils, however, were not as pleased and a few of them had to lie down when they saw the white stuff coming.

Pansies don't really care one way or the other. They shrug off the white blanket and know that tomorrow the sun will be out.

Go away snow. We were just getting used to summer weather.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Road Food

I've always loved road trips and the serendipitous food finds while out in the world. This book is a fun romp on and off backroads all over the U.S.A. written by Jane & Michael Stern. They are the writers of Roadfood and also have a website where you can match what particular food you're looking for and where you might eat it.

Another gem by Jane & Michael Stern. Fun reading and chop-licking descriptions of joints serving the best fried chicken, hot dogs or clams. Unfortunately, nary a mention of poutine. (Guess I'd better give them the head's up about it, eh?)

Save the Deli by David Sax follows the writer's adventures while searching for that perfect pastrami sandwich. A must read. Can I have a kosher dill with that please?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend Update

The weekend started with a chocolate-peppermint cake that I brought with me to the Glengarry Pioneer Museum's Annual General Meeting and potluck on Friday night.

After the supper, I presented Jim Graham with the Pioneer of the Year award for his volunteer work at the museum.

Saturday was our monthly artist trading card meet and it was a gorgeous day. Warm and sunny. But 19 folks showed up nonetheless. The trade was fast and furious. Some people traded for the first time; others observed and maybe next time will be inclined to make cards and trade.

On Sunday afternoon, Richard and I checked out the refurbished Higginson Tower in Vankleek Hill.

We were on our way to a book launch. Reading from her newly published book Murder on the Hill, Blanche Renard Putzel painted a picture of murder and intrigue in a small town in Eastern Ontario. Hmm...

Sunday evening we headed off to Ottawa to celebrate my Aunt Sylvia's 92nd birthday. Sitting beside her is Aunt Bert, Sylvia's sister-in-law who turned 92 last month. Aren't they both amazing?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spring Definitions ATCs

Click to enlarge.
I'm trading these artist trading cards at this afternoon's swap. The backgrounds are from two old dictionaries I had salvaged from the trash. No one wants to buy dictionaries anymore (particularly ones from the 1930s) and the annual book sale that I used to help organize for the Glengarry Pioneer Museum always had a plethora of these books, waiting for the trash heap.
I rubber stamped on top of the definitions and added highlights with colour pencils. I love how they came out.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Huge, Odd Nest

This odd looking nest is almost 3 feet wide. It was built on top of a witches' broom on a balsam fir tree. A fungus invades the tree and causes it to form a witches' broom which is an excessively twiggy, clump-like formation.

In this case, something (we're suspecting mice) carried bits of deer hair, up 15 feet to where the witches' broom was and covered the entire thing with hair. We don't think that birds ever nested in it because it's completely flat and not cup-shaped.

The deer carcass was found about 50 feet away from the tree. It looked like it might have been there a year or two. We're thinking that the mice lived inside the nest. No one we've asked is quite sure. Odd or what?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Heeeeere's Archie!

My friend Rosemary got a new pup rescued from a shelter. His name is Archie and he's nine month's old.

Rosemary thinks he's part beagle and part Jack Russell. It's hard to get a proper portrait of Archie.

He's pretty much always on the move.

He's as cute as a button...

...and a very sweet pup. Can't wait to visit you again, Archie. Maybe next time you won't spill my cup of tea on my lap...or maybe you will. At any rate, you are a cutie!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cub Reporter

Since Richard is a reporter and can't be everywhere, from time-to-time I have had to put on my cub reporter cap and have taken some shots that have made it into the newspaper. Mostly car wrecks.

And smash ups.

And fender benders.

Sometimes people hit the brakes too late.

Or how about this truck from a few years back that was filled with TNT and missed a turn? Egads! They don't call me Scoop for nothing!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Honey-Mustard Chicken

This was the first meal my friend Peter's mom made for me back when they lived in Two Mountains, Quebec and Peter and I were going to university in Montreal. It quickly became a favourite and I've made it over the years many times, with slight variations.

1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup yellow mustard
2 teaspoons curry powder
1/8 to 1/4 cup broth or white wine (or water)
Four boneless, skinless chicken breasts
handful of raisins or currants (optional)

In an 9" x 9" pan, stir together the honey and mustard. Add wine or broth and curry powder. Add chicken and cover all sides with mixture. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes at 350F. Flip chicken over, baste and cook uncovered for an additional 15 minutes or until done.

Monday, April 19, 2010

(Mostly) Still Lifes

On Saturday, our usual gaggle of gals met to make and trade ATCs. Busy hands created fun cards. Note the glass of wine, which always helps our creativity!

The theme was "Spring." The artist trading cards were creative.

We came armed with supplies, like buckets of markers...

...and after our hard work for the afternoon, Terry, our hostess served a meringue raspberry cake she made...

...with a lovely cup of tea.

On the way out, I noticed the beautiful still life of rust hanging on the gate.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saw Awwwww...

It's always stressful to bring new cats into the house but in the end, everyone seems to settle down...and even become friends...or at least friendly. On the bed are Richard's Skanoo (13 yrs), her new tabby friend Milly (9 months) and the boys who are inseparable, Percy (9 months) and Barney (3 yrs).

Why sleep by yourself when a ménage à trois is possible?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mug of the Week #3

My cousin Ellen who lives in New Hampshire gave me this mug. Kind of sums up my mood some mornings!