Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend Update

The weekend started with a chocolate-peppermint cake that I brought with me to the Glengarry Pioneer Museum's Annual General Meeting and potluck on Friday night.

After the supper, I presented Jim Graham with the Pioneer of the Year award for his volunteer work at the museum.

Saturday was our monthly artist trading card meet and it was a gorgeous day. Warm and sunny. But 19 folks showed up nonetheless. The trade was fast and furious. Some people traded for the first time; others observed and maybe next time will be inclined to make cards and trade.

On Sunday afternoon, Richard and I checked out the refurbished Higginson Tower in Vankleek Hill.

We were on our way to a book launch. Reading from her newly published book Murder on the Hill, Blanche Renard Putzel painted a picture of murder and intrigue in a small town in Eastern Ontario. Hmm...

Sunday evening we headed off to Ottawa to celebrate my Aunt Sylvia's 92nd birthday. Sitting beside her is Aunt Bert, Sylvia's sister-in-law who turned 92 last month. Aren't they both amazing?


  1. When did you have a chance to breathe?

    Thanks for the pix of the Aunts... great photo.

  2. Your Aunts look like they have amazing spirits.
    You come from good stock.

  3. Looks like you had a great weekend! What a lovely spring cake, and your Aunt and SIL are a wonderful pair of spring chickens. :)
