Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cub Reporter

Since Richard is a reporter and can't be everywhere, from time-to-time I have had to put on my cub reporter cap and have taken some shots that have made it into the newspaper. Mostly car wrecks.

And smash ups.

And fender benders.

Sometimes people hit the brakes too late.

Or how about this truck from a few years back that was filled with TNT and missed a turn? Egads! They don't call me Scoop for nothing!


  1. That's my sister, Scoop Mogelon!

  2. Love the red car photo.
    The road ends here buddy. Choose a side!

  3. And for pete's sake, watch out for that BLACK ICE!

  4. That's pretty neat that you get to be a junior reporter. How scary about the truck with the TNT ... yikes.

  5. Holy CRAP, Ronna!! but the red car did make me laugh...

    So many awful drivers out there!

  6. I shouldn't have laughed here but I couldn't help it.
