Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dirty Trick

Okay, it's spring, right? This is what I woke up to yesterday morning. My primroses were not amused.

Nor were the newly emerging asparagus!

The grape hyacinth looked particularly fetching in their new white coat.

The daffodils, however, were not as pleased and a few of them had to lie down when they saw the white stuff coming.

Pansies don't really care one way or the other. They shrug off the white blanket and know that tomorrow the sun will be out.

Go away snow. We were just getting used to summer weather.


  1. I feel your pain, and I see it still hasn't all melted, as of 8:24 am, although it's supposed to be 14C and rainy today.

    Poor little asparagus! I just planted ten asparagus roots on Monday.

  2. It just has to happen doesn't it? My daffs are bent over too but the tulips are still at attention. It will pass and we'll be wearing shorts again soon.

  3. So sad, this morning on Ridgewood, many trees had lost their limbs due to the heavy 6 inches of snow.
    Made me weep.
