Friday, April 30, 2010

Walter's Hot Dogs

More roadfood reports. A few years ago I was in Larchmont, New York with my friend John who went to high school there. He insisted we stop at a hot dog joint in Mamaroneck that he remembered from his youth called Walter's.

Years ago, when Gourmet magazine was thriving, it named Walter's as the best hot dog in the U.S.A.

Even better? Those dogs make their way out into the world from a Chinese pagoda, built in 1919.

In 1991, it was named an historical landmark. That's John and me standing under the Walter's sign.

And how can't you love a font made of wieners?

Don't forget to ask for your dog topped with their special Walter's mustard.

The seating is out back on picnic tables.

And get the curly, seasoned fries with your dog. They are the bomb!


  1. You are always making me hungry!

  2. Love their logo. Chinese type lettering made out of Hot dogs!
    Those wonderful logos are definitely a thing of the past with the advent of Adobe type.
