On the weekend, Richard and I headed over to see
Natalie and Gordon's menagerie.

Natalie is definitely the chicken whisperer.

I think if I come back to this earth, I want to be one of Natalie's hens and live in the Palais de Poulet. You get to sleep under a heat lamp...

...and play with a suspended, purple cabbage. Looks like fun!

Here's me giving calico Naomi a quick hug.

Naomi didn't seem to mind being passed around from arm to arm. Here's Gordon giving her a snuggle...

...and then Gordon snuggled the gecko.

Here's Natalie with the gentle giant dogs Tristan and Sophie. They're amazingly good with the hens.

More snuggling with big orange boy Julius.

And I can't forget to mention the lovely Alex, the three-legged tabby boy who was a perfect charmer. It was a great evening spending time with good friends and their two-and three-and four-legged buddies.