Tuesday, June 14, 2016

New York State of Mind Part 1

For my birthday, I met my sis and my niece in New York City. When we got into our hotel room, a lovely cheese, fruit and cookie platter greeted us. My niece Sylvie celebrates her birthday three days after mine, so it was a joint celebration.

 Our first stop was the World Trade Memorial. A very moving spot. We located the name of my brother-in-law's cousin who perished in 9/11. Very sad. Such a young man.

Here's what One World Trade looks like from the ground (to the left). The white wings look like a peace dove and I believe it is going to be a subway entrance.

Then we rode up the elevator to the top of One World Observatory. What a view. That square below is the footprint of one of the World Trade towers. The names of the dead are engraved around those squares.

 And the views? Spectacular! That tall building is the Empire State.

 Bridges into Brooklyn.

We had a drink a half floor above the observatory and all I can say is, wow!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos Ronna. Looks like you packed in alot in a short amount of time.
