Thursday, June 2, 2016

Feels like summer...

 Last weekend it was so hot it felt like summer! I stopped on one of my drives to capture the beauty of a field of mustard. Great colour.

We've been spending most of out time outdoors, planting and weeding. Richard and I each have two gardens so it's time consuming. But gardening after a winter of being shut-in is such a joy. 

 When I finally came inside to pick up my phone messages (at 4 p.m.), there was a lovely voice asking us over for an impromptu dinner. Yes! Sounds fun. I spent part of the night visiting with their two cats, sweet brothers who hung around at our feet.

It was fun, and delicious. Lucky us we got to drink wine and eat pasta pescatore outside and we pretended we were in Tuscany. It's been so dry, no rain for the past two weeks, so there were very few bugs. Just lightning bugs which I've never seen this early in the year. A taste of summer.


  1. Such lovely cats and that meal...yum!

  2. Love the fields of mustard this time of year. Your veggie garden looks great!
