Wednesday, June 15, 2016

New York State of Mind, Part 2

 We spent a good amount of time on the High Line. It's a former elevated train turned into a park.

It has all sorts of nooks and crannies. This one a sort of classroom where you can view the street below.

In certain spots, the High Line goes under buildings and has food kiosks. Finally made it to Blue Bottle Coffee, which was on my bucket list.

 We left the High Line and headed down to Chelsea Market where we met Richard's fabulous niece Jess, who is studying at Julliard. 
We had lunch and then went to L'Arte del Gelato.

Here's my niece Sylvie, Jess and me saying "Nom, nom, nom!"

 Speaking of food, did I mention the fabulous meal we had the day before at Jack's Wife Freda?

 A very loud, funky and happening place with delicious food.

I had the Greek and kale salad. Perfect on a hot day!