Monday, July 6, 2015

There's a kitten in the house

 A few weeks back I got to meet a two-week-old kitten that my friends brought to a party.

 His name is Ipse and he was found in a wood pile all alone.

I got to babysit him over the weekend.  What a difference two weeks have made.

He's looking more Himalayan every day. And what a sweetheart.


  1. They certainly did a wonderful job with him. It's never an easy task keeping them alive and healthy. I think if I would have been kitten-sittin' I would have got nothing else done. :))

  2. Glad to see he is thriving. He really is a cute little guy!

  3. Omigosh! He is adorable! He looks like a little dormouse in the first photo. We had a Himalayan cat that we got from a guy who couldn't keep her. She was the most affectionate cat I've ever had. Love, love, love this!
