Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Canada Day Parade

Canada Day in my small town of Alexandria, Ontario.
It stated off pouring but just as the parade swung into action, it was a mere drizzle.

 Three smart kids staying dry at our local restaurant.

 Lots of red and white.

 More red and white!
  A float of tires!

 More red and white...this time balloons!

 These folks had a room with a view!

 The kids school's float.

 Farm equipment, so large it was wider than the road...just about.

 Horses and dogs and kids, oh my!

 Sweet dog with two horses.

 A pint-sized caber for a pint-sized tosser!

 Our veterans.

Our town council throwing candy.


  1. what a great parade, the rain didn't seem to stop anyone, lots of red going on there

  2. Looks like a great parade! Too bad about the weather.
