Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Catalpa Tree: Saved!

 A few years back I blogged about this sweet tree...

 ...growing in a little park in beautiful downtown Alexandria.

 When our town council decided to spruce up this little park, part of the plan was to cut down the catalpa.

 In spring, this tree was not so glorious, but I started a Facebook page called "Save Our Catalpa" ...

 ...which over night garnered over 250 followers.

 And you know what? The tree was saved from the chainsaw. Democracy in action.

And the little parkette is spruced up with annuals and looks all the better for having a few mature trees around it providing summer-needed shade.


  1. Way to go Ronna! I love catalpa trees. I grew up with two huge ones in the backyard. What a lovely little park.

  2. Congrats on saving the tree. It really is lovely.

  3. I'm so happy you saved the catalpa. The only other catalpa I have seen is at my neighbour's who live down the road a bit. A lovely tree that doesn't get too big and has beautiful flowers. My sister who used to live in NYC lived on Catalpa St. so I guess they are common enough down there.

  4. Kudos to you, Ronna, for saving that tree. Why in the world would they want to cut it down?? Glad you took it upon yourself to work to save it!

  5. Wonderful, good for you! I love these trees. We had a huge stunning one in our backyard when we lived in Oakville, I have fond memories of our Bouvier luxuriating under it and the racoons napping up in its branches. Trees bring such happiness.
