Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Polenta Time

I was sick of barbecued burgers and wanted to make something that used up some of my veggies from the garden too. Then I remembered a polenta and ratatouille lunch my friend Elisabeth had brought from Montreal a few years back. I also read an article in last week's National Post about grilled polenta. I had an "aha!" moment.

 Richard got busy on the grill, while indoors...

I made a sort of "meat-a-tarian" ratatouille with ground beef, onions, tomatoes, garlic and pea pods and beans from the garden. And the grilled polenta added to that dish was the bees knees.

And guess what? The next morning I fried up the rest of the polenta and poured my friend Peggi's maple syrup on to the slices, topped with bananas and golden and red raspberries from the garden. Divine breakfast! 


  1. both meals look delicious! Great summer fare, made better as it is all from your garden!

  2. That looks so delicious, and the leftovers for breakfast are INSPIRED!

  3. That's the best combo: Grilled polenta and ratatouille! Great summer fare.
    I like your idea of polenta for breakfast, there is always leftovers.

  4. Holy...you're like the new Julia Child.
