Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Garden Report

It's been hot hot hot here this summer with little rain. Perfect for this huge artichoke plant. Can't believe it's warm enough to grow artichokes in these parts.

 I planted two kinds of cukes: English seedless and pickling. Both are growing great guns.

Here's one of my teeny gherkins that will grow up and end up in a sandwich. A good life goal I think.

 A huge ground cherry plant covered with fruit. These yummy little tidbits grow with their very own paper jacket to protect the fruit. Cool or what?

 My trusty nasturtiums never disappoint and are so easy to grow. They're edible and spicy too.

 Three huge peppers on one plant. Not sure if I'll be patient enough to let them turn red.

My giant blue squash plants are so large they have escaped their enclosure. I'm going to try to grow them alongside my shed. Stay tuned.


  1. Wonderful Ronna. Looks great. My daughter just dropped in yesterday with lettuce, zucchini & a cuke from here garden. :)

  2. Wow! These things sure don't seem to mind the dry heat. Lots of great stuff to look forward too.

  3. Your peppers are amazing. I notice you use newspapers for mulching, too. It works really well doesn't it? Should be a great year for your squashes and cukes.

  4. Your garden seem to do very well with little rain. Good thing too!
    ...or is it the master gardener at work?!

  5. Your garden looks so green. I gave up on mine weeks ago because everything was dying from lack of rain. Nice to see your plants are healthy despite the drought.
