Monday, July 16, 2012

Golf Tournament

Last Friday it was "only" 35C with a humidex of heart-stopping who knows what, and it was also our company's annual golf day to raise funds for Heart and Stroke.

My golf skills are pretty lame but my co-workers could really whack that ball.

Since Gaston (far right) decided golf was the perfect time to smoke a stogie, Marc and I decided to imitate him with cigars of our own, only ours were really unopened pine cones. 

Diana and I had a lot of fun. She has a great swing. I however mostly putted which was pretty okay. After 18 holes, we tucked into a barbecued steak dinner at the clubhouse, followed by a live auction, silent auction and draw, all to raise money for our charity at the 27th annual Eugene Macdonald Golf Tournament. Lots of fun.


  1. Glad you had a good day and managed to survive the heat!!

  2. Was it fun driving the golf cart? I would love to see a pic of you actually swinging a club.
