Friday, July 13, 2012

Egg and Couscous Salad

While Richard was covering a St. Jean Batiste parade some weeks back, the Egg Farmers of Ontario were throwing these recipe cards from their float to the crowd. Attached to the card was a little packet of herbs.

The other night we decided to give the recipe a try. If you want to try it and see the recipe, click to enlarge. 

Many of the veggies came from my garden. I replaced chick peas (which I don't eat) with pea pods because I had a ton of 'em!

You add beaten egg to a hot chicken broth and swirl it around and then add the couscous and cover for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, you take the packet of herbs (its ingredients are listed with the recipe so you can make it again) and add olive oil and lemon juice to make a tangy dressing.

 And after the couscous has been fluffed up, you add the vinaigrette and all the veggies.

It even turned out almost exactly as the photo on the recipe card.