Friday, June 15, 2012

Mug Cake

I saw this package at the grocery store and I couldn't resist. A mug cake? Cake in 5 minutes? I had to give it a try.

 First you butter a mug. The package comes with two packets inside so you can make two mug cakes.

 Then you dump in one of the packets.

 Next you pour in a measure of milk...

 ...and stir like crazy.

 And then you microwave it for a couple of minutes.

Not exactly the best chocolate cake in the world, but it was warm (we let it cool a bit after cooking) and moist and not bad. Nice to sample but I don't think I'd want to try it again.


  1. I wonder who thought that one up?! :) Anyway, nothing could hold a candle to your cakely masterpieces!

  2. I saw that in our grocery, too, and was wondering the same thing. What I really thought was, how can you adapt a simple cake recipe to make a small cake like that once in a while, like for a special snack. You should see if you could create a homemade instant cake mix - I wonder if you could use dried milk and dried eggs, just add water or milk (like pancake mix). Sometimes I just want to make one or two cupcakes, not an entire dozen. You would be (more) famous!

  3. Ronna, how did I not know you had a blog? I just followed you. How long has this been going on and I've been missing your cake masterpieces?

    I've been trying to stay away from baking because I want to lose weight and I can't resist my own cakes. But a coworker just asked me to make something for her, so soon I'll be back in the kitchen, too.

    Ummm, the mug cake is unique. Good review!


  4. There is a recipe for cake from scratch in a mug. Google 'Five minutes to Chocolate'. I adjusted the oil to 2 Tablespoons and added a bit more milk - cake still is fine, just fewer calories.

    This is probably where Dr. Oetker got the idea! Bet the Dr. O package cost more than the scratch cake! Plus it probably has chemicals and/or artificial flavours.
