Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day

 Yesterday was Father's Day and it reminds me to look at old photos of my dad who passed away in 2000.

Dad was a funny guy, a good writer who had a fantastic sense of humour and saw the ridiculous in things. I guess that's where I get that from. (He was a worrier too and I know I got that from him as well!)

And he was an animal lover and always had conversations with each of the cats. Here he is with Cinnamon. I miss my dad every day but I feel so blessed having had him around for as long as I did.


  1. Your dad was indeed someone special. You were very lucky to have a dad who was invested in his children when it was not the norm.
    He was a rate individual who always made you feel great just to talk with him!

  2. That's "rare". (Need new glasses!)

  3. And you are so lucky to have these wonderful and touching photos of him.

  4. I love the photo of you cuddled up nest to him on the sofa! You look very serious in that shot. :)

  5. “Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope” – Bill Cosby

  6. The photo of your Dad in conversation with Cinnamon is wonderful. Anyone who can talk with a cat is obviously special.
