Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flowering Time

 June is such a lovely month and especially lovely because of all the flowers.

 I have wonderful irises running along an old wooden fence.

 They have such wonderful colours and I love their shape.

 My crazy lupins. Every year they take over more and more of my lawn.

It's hard to believe this patch started with just two packages of lupin seeds I bought in Oregon about 10 years ago.

And then there are my salmon pink poppies, this year blooming on my birthday. Ten glorious blossoms, all opened in unison and now 10 more to follow.

 I love this time of year when the sun shines and the flowers blossom. Ahhhhh!


  1. Loooooooooooooooovely!!!!!!
    I too love June(partly because of my own b'day =D)

  2. The salmon poppy is just divine.
    Isn't it wonderful how seeds spread and gave you those wonderful lupins.

  3. Let's hear it for June - one of the loveliest months. Great photos of the flowers, and really fab photo of you. Did Richard take it?
