Monday, March 5, 2012

My Friendly Robin

My little friend the robin has been hanging around more and more and getting a bit more friendly. Now I leave him apple peelings and the leftover core. And if I don't have any leftover, I cut up a small apple and leave it for him. Spring is coming and I hope this guy and his bride nest around here. Would love to be an aunt!


  1. I'm betting that with that buffet, they will set up shop at your place for LIFE!

  2. What a wonderful photo. I like the way you have him framed by the branches. And great to see a robin - a harbinger of the spring we are all longing for.

  3. He's got his feathers fluffed up to stay warm too, so glad you are giving him treats.

  4. He's a handsome fella Ronna..........

    How lovely to have him around, certainly brighten things up........

    Claire :}
