Friday, March 2, 2012

And March Marches On...

 There seems nothing nicer in the world than walking in a so-called 'winter wonderland' after a big snowfall.

My Ithaca sister and Toronto brother have both told me tales of blooming crocuses and winter aconite and folks mowing their lawns. Okay, so that last one might be a bit of an exaggeration. But with all that in mind...

 ...I decided I'd better enjoy the white stuff while it's still here. Only a month to go and then it'll be sianara!

 In the meantime, doesn't this spruce look happy with its winter coat?

As does this wood, anxiously waiting to be split and burned when the snow flies again next year.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos Ronna, must be quite magical to be right there.

    It's only the third day of Autumn and I've already lit the heater........

    Claire :}
