Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Piet Mondrian

Tomorrow would have been Piet Mondrian's 140th birthday.

Some time ago I noticed a fabulous Mondrian-inspired cake by pastry artist Caitlan Williams Freeman from the Blue Bottle Cafe at SFMoMA. Since I can't get to San Francisco in time for Piet's big birthday, I thought I'd whip one up on this side of the globe.

Happy birthday to you Mr. Mondrian. You've inspired many...including me!

Stay tuned: Tomorrow's post will be how I made this cake, step-by-step!


  1. You scooped Google!
    And I would like to scoop a piece of that cake! Looks artfully yummy!

  2. I love that it is Mondrian inside and not just in the frosting on top!!!

  3. I have often said that you make very artsy cakes and this one really proves it. Looks delicious as well as beautiful (for those of us who always liked Mondrian).
