Tuesday, January 31, 2012

BFF's Birthday

January 31st has always been my oldest and dearest friend Roberta's birthday. I've known her since she was six years old. That's me in blue and she's in the yellow shirt.

She moved to New York state in 1966. Here we are in 1967 on my annual summer visit to her place. I spent one month down there and Bert spent one month with me in Montreal. We did that until we both went to university.

1975: Here we are in New York at Bert's little brother's bar mitvah.

Bert and I spent most of the summer of 1976 in Montreal going to every Olympic event we could get ticket to.

And we're together again in 2000 in New York at her little brother's wedding.

Bert and her husband Phil moved to Florida a few years back and when Bert turned 50 in 2009, Phil flew me down to surprise her. January 31st was the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in West Palm Beach so we did 5 km. -- with Phil and daughters Whitney and Stephanie -- as part of Bert's birthday celebrations.

In November of that same year, Richard and I flew down to Florida for a quick visit. I wish she lived closer! Happy birthday Bert!


  1. Lovely! And great photos.

  2. Lovely tribute to a great friendship.

  3. Nice birthday tribute. And it is fun to see pictures of you when you were young.

  4. Love this. Nothing like a friend who has known you for most of your life!
