Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dalkeith Winter Carnival

I was the judge at the Dalkeith Winter Carnival parade last Saturday. Here's the Carnival Queen leading the way.

Since it's the 200th anniversary of the war of 1812, there was a float honouring Laura Secord and the Glengarry Fencibles, along with a PVC cannon!

 Here are the soldiers waving or saluting or something...

 The winning float in the parade was the Greyhound Long Haul bus...

...powered by the passengers! Check out the legs under the bus. Richard called it the Fred Flintstone bus.

 Our town council had a float. There's our mayor in blue and our deputy mayor throwing out candy to us.

There were all sorts of horses in all shapes and sizes. These had riders in Scottish gear.

 I loved this mini-horse! He got second prize.

This mini-horse looks sad now and I suppose maybe he should have gotten second prize. Or third?

I loved this burro and gave him the "special horse prize" even though he's not a horse. (That's what you get when you ask a city girl to judge horses!)

This third place float for the Queen's 60th Jubilee was a winner because her scepter is a toilet plunger. Great attention to detail I'd say!

Here's Richard along with Wendy who was covering the parade for The News, and Jean who is the Dalkeith correspondent.

And here's Ian, the organizer of the parade, paying off the judge with a Tim Horton's donut. Will work for food!


  1. Looks like you had a great day! Hmmm, Ronna can be bribed with doughnuts... I will keep that in mind for the future!

  2. The Greyhound Long Haul Bus is terrific. Looks like a fun event. And you look so happy getting a donut!

  3. Love the paw print windows on the Long Haul Greyhound!

  4. I don't think the Town Council entry qualifies as a "float".
