Monday, January 30, 2012

Bedtime at Natalie and Gordon's

My friends Natalie and Gordon share January birthdays and asked me to make them a cake.

I decided the perfect thing to do would be to make a cake with them surrounded by all their animals.

At first I was going to sit them on the edge of the cake, but then when my cat Nutmeg jumped into bed with me one night, I had a "eureka moment" and figured I'd make a cake looking like Nat and Gordon's bed with all their animals piled in on top of them.

Besides their big dogs Tristan and Sophie, they have three cats and a new kitten and all sorts of fancy roosters.

They also had many adventures this summer with their mama duck and 12 sweet ducklings.

The dogs got toy balls, the kitties a small ball and purple mice. (Gordon and Nat ate the mice!)

And I couldn't forget their 19-year-old leopard gecko, given to them as a wedding gift as well as Natalie's beloved bees.

 All in all, one of the most fun cakes I have ever made.

Natalie loved the cake...

They both loved it. 

And we all loved eating it. I guess this is what it must look like to be sleeping in a double layered chocolate bed with dark chocolate chunks and ganache frosting between the layers.
If you haven't already, please "like" my cake page on Facebook. I'd love to get 400 followers.
Click here: and then click on the little grey box with the thumb up at the top of the page. Much obliged!!


  1. Likely the most populated cake you will ever make. Love the detail on the bedspread. You didn't miss any detail! wonderful.

  2. What a wonderful, wonderful cake! You really are amazing; I bet Natalie and Gordon were thrilled to bits. So glad you got so many great photos of it.

  3. Indeed. An absolute masterpiece.
    I am sure Nathalie and Gordon were thrilled!

  4. A tour de force cake. So much fun to look at.

  5. Thank you from the bottom of my chocolatey heart for making our birthdays so special. That is the best birthday cake I have EVER had!!!! You are awesome.

  6. That cake should NOT have been eaten!!! It should have been put under glass in a place of honor!

    I hope they saved me at least one of the chicks so I can bite its tiny head off. Yum!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous! You got every detail, all the way down to the mice. I'm blown away!

  8. A cake masterpiece! It is so much fun to look at, and I bet it was yummy too.

  9. The cake looked magnificent and sounded delicious. This was truly a labor of love.

  10. I'm speechless. This should win some kind of Best Cake prize. Love it!

  11. I did keep all the little animals (and me and Gordon) and I"m drying them out. The cake was too yummy not to eat, but that first knife cut was painful.
