Friday, November 25, 2011

Art Show Mini-Cupcakes

I had some fun decorating mini-cupcakes for our little art show tomorrow. There'll be snacks and coffee, tea and juice and a little classical music. Oh yeah. Some artwork too. Please do try and attend.
Ronna, Holly and Natalie's Art Show & Sale on Saturday, November 26 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Dunvegan Recreation Hall, 19053 Cty. Rd. 24, Dunvegan,


  1. So pretty! I will do my best to prevent Gordon from eating them all.

  2. As if I need to be enticed! I am really looking forward to seeing the artwork by you three cats!

  3. Hi Ronna, I was recently nominated to take part in the Food Bloggers Unplugged survey (see my latest post). I have completed my part in it (even though I am not a good cook!) but I wondered whether you would like to grow your audience for your food blog by completing it. I hope you will enjoy it, if not then I apologise wholeheartedly!
