Thursday, November 24, 2011

First Snow!

Even though it's not officially winter yet, everyone has been waiting for the snow and yesterday our first small dump occurred.

The birds were extra hungry and gobbled down all the seeds I put in the feeders.

And I got to take my new BOGS for a stroll. Yippee!


  1. Ha ha! 12 degrees and sunny here in The Big City... now where did I put my sunscreen...

  2. Your BOGS are fabulous! Sorta makes having snow worthwhile.

  3. Hey Ronna those boots are awesome, love the colours.

    That snow looks amazing and it's still Spring....just.

    Seems to have come around quickly. It's wet and cool here today, very Wintry looking.

    Hope the snow doesn't cause to many problems.
    Have a great weekend.

    Claire :}
