Monday, November 28, 2011

Art Show 2011

Our art show was a great success on Saturday. Lots of folks came out to wish us well.

Holly had a table full of painted wildlife: butterflies, foxes, bunnies and owls.

Natalie had needle-felted cats and cows and hooked rugs and bugs.

I had my painted ceramics and a selection of new drawings made especially for this show.

I fell in love with the Olson house that I visited in Maine on vacation this year so drew it several times. This one fit in a cool wooden oval frame.

Here's the Olson house again, this time with a bit more colour.

This is a view looking out from inside the Olson house.

This is looking up at the Olson house.

Christina, who lived in the house, loved red geraniums and always had them growing in her kitchen windows.

I was also inspired by our Thanksgiving in the Muskokas and drew the canoe waiting for its last trip that fall.

Here's another view of that canoe.

My friend and fellow blogger talks about the show in her blog today! Click her: City Mouse/Country Mouse to check it out! (Thanks Evlyn.)


  1. I'm so glad you took pictures of your show. It was great! I wondered about bringing my camera but wasn't sure about copyright?

  2. Looks fabulous to me!

  3. Great post - about a great show. I'm glad our blogs complimented each other - you showed different things than I did. BTW - I am so pleased that I now have your wonderful drawing of the geraniums in the window. Love it!

  4. I'm glad Evlyn got the geraniums pic! Thanks for a marvellous day, dahlink. The cupcakes were divine.
