Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Plethora of Cakes

Last week was a busy one for cake-making! Here's my ninth version of my "faux" poutine cake, this one done to raise funds for Heart & Stroke Foundation.

It was auctioned off after the golf tournament by autioneer Barb Newman and raised $60 for the cause.

Back to cake making, this chocolate cake was for two birthdays celebrated in Ottawa.

Thirty-year-old Danagh has a business called "Aspen Wellness Centre" and I recreated the tree logo on her business card for her cake. Matching coloured roses ran on the sides along with grass and chocolate rocks.

And finally, for three-year-old Lexa, a Tinkerbell cake, or at least my version of what I think a Tinkerbell cake should look like. Every three-year-old needs pink roses, right?


  1. Your cakes are wonderful. It must be hard for your clients to cut into them.

  2. That poutine cake is the best one yet!
    Buddy would be proud of your roses!

  3. You are amazing! But I knew that!

  4. How fabulous. I can't decide which one I would want. I'm thinking Tink...

  5. Your faux poutine cakes are the greatest!

  6. I am very fortunate that Costco is close enough to give me a cake fix now and then, because there is no way in the world I could turn out cakes as wonderful looking as yours!

  7. You've been very busy. So nice that you could raise money for charity. They are all great. The fake poutine cake is so much fun and so realistic.
