Sunday, July 17, 2011

Haiku Judgement Day

Natalie and Gordon asked us over for a barbecue and then to act as judges for Nat's Hen Haiku Contest. I made dessert and figured mini-cupcakes with random words would be fun for the judges to get warmed up and create their own haikus.

Richard and Sue got the ball rolling with their haiku. And yes, we all had latex gloves so that we weren't handling the dessert with our bare hands.

There was an excited high five, when their collaborative haiku was done.

Not exactly poetry but not bad.

Mine wasn't exactly Chaucer either!

Natalie proved to be the brains of the operation when she said she had "inadvertently" rubbed off an icing letter and made "primp" into "pimp." There were yells of "Cheater!" but I just thought it was clever to make your own word.

And here's Nat's haiku.

Gordon thought long about his verbiage with entranced Richard and Sue looking on.

...and came up with this ditty. Okay, so it's harder than it looks people!

Once warmed up with wine, beer, barbecue, (did I say wine?), it was to the serious (?) business of judging.

With over one hundred haikus to judge, it was a tough choice. But we did it!

To see a list of the winners of the hen haiku contest and a nifty video of our judging process, click here to go to Knatolee's blog

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the most fun I've had in ages! HAHAHAHAHA! And the cupcakes were delicious. :)
