Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Time...

...and the living is easy! The garden is starting to produce its bounty: yellow zukes and cilantro...

...beans and peas. Oh my!

The wild red and black raspberry bushes are loaded with fruit. Every evening, once the deer flies are tucked in their little deer fly beds, I go out and pick enough berries to top my morning cereal.

My fabulous foxglove bloomed this year. Yes!

And this little fellow seems to have found a happy home on my bag of aluminum cans for recycling. Two days ago I discovered him and thought he was in danger (?) and took him outside. Today he's back so obviously, he likes it there. His new froggy home...


  1. Nothing like fresh local beans. We just had our first feed last night and everyone enjoyed them. Your produce looks great and what's with that frog? PLASTIC? I looked back on your posts since I have been without time lately and I have to tell you how amazing your cakes look. You are very talented Ronna.

  2. Your veggies are way ahead of mine...I'm still waiting for the beans but think maybe I'd better have a good look. Mr. Toad looks quite at home on the blue plastic.

  3. Congratulations! It looks so much better than what I see at the market. All I can plant in my small Toronto apartment are a few herbs. But it gives me much satisfaction. No toad around here, though....

  4. Your veggies and fruits look so yummy. That's one great thing about this time of year (despite the heat). I wonder if the toad likes the plastic because it feels cool in this hot weather?

  5. I like how we each have our own garden toad, although mine prefers a flowerpot! I wonder if this guy likes the coolness of the plastic?
