Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mossy Woods Walk

Last Sunday, I came across the remnants of my late father's now water-logged bridge under the depths of the Mighty Mogelon.

It's just north of the newly placed bridge, which is a single step, two-piece lumber affair. Nothing as highly engineered as Dad's version was!

The woods are brown and beige with very little foliage this early in the spring. Not much green except for all the moss-covered wood that lies on the forest floor making intricate designs.

I love this perfectly round moss top growing on an old stump.

This moss doesn't differentiate between living and dead things. It grows on everything. At the base of trees...

...and small trees and bushes...

...on rocks and fallen branches.

Moss is starting to creep all over this old stump. Mushrooms are growing out of its side.

This stump is totally engulfed in a mossy coat...

...while this one is totally decked out in a mushroom outfit.

If you look up, you'll see that forest creatures have been gathering some of this moss and making a toasty bed for themselves. Squirrels possibly?


  1. I love a walk like this. Anything sporting green looks good to me. Great pics. Interesting about the bridge. Must hold many memories.

  2. Looks like Day of the Triffid where you live, sister. Run to the lighthouse!

  3. Love the moss pictures.
    Perhaps subjects for future drawings?
    Walking in the woods is always a treasure.

  4. I love moss and look at that huge nest of moss amazing, I've got a giveaway on my blog right now.

  5. I think this is the one time of the year when moss and mud look good. Great pics!

  6. The stump with the moss growing out of it looks like sushi
