Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Portrait of a Snack at Work

My co-worker Joan's better-half works as a cook at a truck stop. Luckily for us, every once and a while, he sends Joan to work with a container of his specialty: rice pudding. I have a bottle of cinnamon in my desk drawer ready for the occasion. Yum-o.


  1. Best memory ever....Moms rice pudding. We would eat it breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  2. How do I get a job there?

  3. OK, that was Francine from Massachusetts who hit the send button before she finished typing her entire name

  4. I'm impressed that you keep a bottle of cinnamon in your desk. All I have in my desk is rusty old paper clips. But I guess if I had such a wonderful treat as this rice pudding to look forward to, (and it looks awesome), I'd have some ready for the occasion too.

  5. Doesn't the better half make poutine?

  6. But what does the snack do for a living?
