Thursday, April 14, 2011

Evlyn the Blogger

My friend Evlyn has joined the world of blogging. Here are some of her wonderful drawings which sold at our local museum's annual art show, Art Fayre a few years back.

Evlyn spends part of her week as a busy worker for the Canadian government in Ottawa and weekends at her country place along the Ottawa River.

As an artist, Evlyn has a quirky view of living on both sides of the fence. Be sure to check it out at: City Mouse/Country Mouse.


  1. Can we get these on the Art Fayre blog?!

  2. Thanks so much, Ronna. You are a dear. You were my inspiration to start blogging because your blog is the greatest!

  3. Nice work. I just popped over to Evlyn's blog too. :-)

  4. I've seen these at your's good to see them again.
