Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cat Love

Richard definitely has a soft spot for Millie who loves to bask in the sun.

Mill looks a lot like Richard's old tabby Skanoo who passed away just last year. She's kind of a new Skanoo.

Sometimes she fusses about being held so much...

...but then she can't help herself and settles down for a good cuddle.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

One Small Voice

There's a lovely maple tree on the edge of our county road that was threatened a while back.

Not from any imported insect but from our road's people who said the tree was a "potential threat."

Seems that this maple had a few branches that "could fall onto the county road." Many stately trees were cut down all over the county. Not trimmed. Cut.

I called the road's people and told them that I didn't think it needed to be cut down, this 100-year-old (or more) maple.

And so, they didn't cut it down. I asked the boss to paint the red 'x' out so that the cutting crew didn't make a mistake. How would they know that it was to be saved from the axe? And the next day the red 'x' was brown and this lovely maple still stands. One phone call and a tree was saved. I've got the power!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Strawberry Cake Test

A friend asked me to make a strawberry cake for Mother's Day and although it's a month or so away, I thought I'd do a test version. I can't very well deliver a cake that I've never made before, right?

After Richard and I tasted the initial few slices, the rest was brought to work and quickly gobbled up. Everyone really liked it, so I think strawberry is a flavour that is now in my repertoire.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy 4th Blogiversary to me

I can't quite believe it's been four years since I posted my first blog. This will be my 1,208th post. Who would think I'd have that much to say? Thanks to my loyal followers. Im really having a lot of fun photographing things and writing about them. Hope you're having fun too!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Harbingers of Spring

Lovely daffodils, along with robins and red-winged blackbirds are all harbingers of spring, the best season of the year, I think.

In the ditch along the front of the house, these brave little daffs are poking their wee heads from the ground, feeling the warmth of the sun.

Some are even brave enough to push through the snow. Happy spring!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Snow Sculpture

Now that spring is here and almost every bit of snow is a memory, think back to last month when it snowed like crazy but it was just barely above the freezing mark.

I love how this overhang of snow is just toying with the idea of falling. I was hard pressed not to knock it down myself. But I had to shoot the picture first, right?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Me and the Merlin

At my lunch hour from work, I decided to do groceries. Walking around the carts outside the store was this merlin. It was so strange.

At first he was walking around but the fellow working at the store, Robert, was bringing all the carts back and scared the bird away. But not too far. He flew up and hung out on a light on the side of the building and just sat there looking around.

I called Robert over and I wondered aloud about why the bird was there. Robert said, "I think I know why."

Turns out Robert had moments before found a dead sparrow sitting on top of the garbarge pail and had thrown it into the can. I asked him to dig it out.

Robert threw the little bird on the ground near where the merlin was sitting and the sparrow hardly hit the ground when the merlin flew off, grabbed it and settled on the far end of the building.

He made quick work of that dead sparrow. We're not sure how it got there to start off with. Perhaps the merlin had driven it into the building and it died by hitting the wall? I'm not sure.

But feathers flew that afternoon. I had a quick lunch that day and so did my new friend, the merlin.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bring on the Sun

The spring sun when setting, casts lovely shadows in my living room.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Engagement Cake

This weekend the Glengarry Pioneer Museum celebrated the engagement of our lovely curator Jennifer to her beau Brien.

And I was asked to make a big cake to honour the couple.

I made many, many buttercream roses in white and ivory.

Once the 125+ roses were placed, all that was needed were a few leaves placed here and there.

I was pleased with the results.

One very pretty cake.

Happy life together Jen and Brien!

May your marriage be as sweet as this cake.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Window Seats

I just love this orange kitty cat sunning himself in a window in Alexandria the other day.

This little guy had a perfect view of the St. Paddy's Day parade in Vankleek Hill!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Richard and I headed over to the innaugural St. Patrick's Day parade in Vankleek Hill last Sunday. I grabbed the few green things I owned...

Richard looked a little more the part and channelled his inner Leprechaun.

Some sported buttons celebrating St. Pat.

While others drank green beer and wore a green hat.

There were Irish Wolfhounds strutting their stuff...

While other dogs just seemed to have had enough.

Some horses were painted green in various spots...

...and other horses wore green and covered with shamrocks.

And because we're still in the country afterall, the parade stopped for horses to receive pats.

Best of all? Elvis was definitely in the building. Was he wearing spats?
Happy St. Paddy's Day to one and all!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Donuts Donuts Everywhere

At work our monthly production meetings mean one thing: lots of donuts. When was the last time you bought a dozen donuts? I don't think we have since I lived in Montreal in the '80s.

Before anyone in the gang could grab their favourite, I snapped some photos. The colours and reflections on these babies make me want to draw them.

Meanwhile, while I'm not particularly an Ottawa Senators fan, I do watch them from time-to-time. I'm really a Montreal Canadiens fan but when our local Tim Horton's had a special on Sens donuts...and I was delivering the mail on a cold sunny day a few weeks back, it sure hit the spot with a hot coffee. Imagine. I used to have to draw logos with icing back in the day. Now you can buy edible logos. Hmm.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Crumbs Bake Shop

My latest favourite TV show is Cupcake Wars on the Food Network. Amazing what you can do with a cupcake! Then I remembered I went to Crumbs when I was in New York City last year. How about we go on a tour together?

First off, let's open the door. Check out the funky handles.

First up. The all-American red, white and blue sprinkled cupcakes, with chocolate and vanilla frosting options.

There are fancy, shmancy pink and purple rose cupcakes.

My personal favourite: Red velvet!

These peanut butter cup cup cakes (get it) look like little radioactive bites.

These PB & J's look like they have cookies pressed into the sides of them. Hmmm.

Neon-coloured lemon and strawberry. I feel like getting out my paints.

Love these little green numbers.

These multi-coloured cakes are called Good Guy. Wonder why? Love how they look.

Never been a big fan of raw cookie dough, but everyone else seems to be. What am I missing?

Caramel apple; now there's something I could sink my teeth into.

I'd have these cappuccino cupcakes with a cup of, er, cappuccino natch.

These candy cupcakes are so silly and fun, covered with m&ms. I'm inspired to bake now. Or paint. Or both!