Friday, March 25, 2011

Harbingers of Spring

Lovely daffodils, along with robins and red-winged blackbirds are all harbingers of spring, the best season of the year, I think.

In the ditch along the front of the house, these brave little daffs are poking their wee heads from the ground, feeling the warmth of the sun.

Some are even brave enough to push through the snow. Happy spring!


  1. It's so cold this week, it's hard to believe spring is here. Your pics give me hope! :)

  2. The wind is cold but the signs are there. Enjoy your weekend, Ronna. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  3. We have snow and freezing cold... I love your photos because they give me hope !

  4. Happy Spring! Even here in Southern California it does not feel like Spring just yet. Brrrr ... it's cold, rainy, and even snowy in the mountains.

  5. *sigh*... your spring coming means our winter is coming too... yukko!

    Already the dreaded cold has appeared in our household (four out of four with sniffles and sore throats!). Enjoy your spring.
