Monday, April 5, 2010

Scenes from the Weekend

It was an incredibly hot weekend with Saturday's temperature hitting a record breaking 29C. Time to take the new running shoes for a spin.

Not much green scenery to photograph yet but the pussy willows were in full throttle.

It looks sort of barren this time of year, just before everything starts to bloom.

Woodpeckers had been busy on this tree.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the first barbecue of the season took place.

And since it was Easter, a chocolate bunny was in order.

I actually found a perfect one for Richard -- a hockey-playing bunny!

Oops. He wasn't wearing a Chicago Blackhawks we had to eat him!

1 comment:

  1. That's too funny about the chocolate bunny. What kind of woodpeckers do you have near your home? I'm fascinated by them. We mainly have Acorn and Nutall's.
