Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hot Walk in the Woods

A hot weekend meant time for a long walk in the woods.

Bonus: since it's so early in the season, there are no bugs yet. No blackflies. No mosquitoes.

No shade either. Just hot, gorgeous sunshine and at 28C it felt oddly like mid-July.

The moss was really the only green thing in the woods. To see the photo Richard took, click here to get to his blog.

The moss had woken up from its winter slumber and was doing a sort of wave or whatever it is that moss does when it grows.

The first wildflower of spring appeared! Spring Beauty (Claytonia caroliniana) flowers were popping up all over the forest floor. Did you know they are also called "Fairy Potatoes"? Their edible tubers can be dug up, steamed and eaten (they're the size of your fingernail). They taste like teeny weeny potatoes.

This giant basswood, which last year was home to a family of raccoons, might just fall over in a big windstorm. You can see right through it in spots.

And after our walk, we came home to notice the chives are shooting out of the ground, ready to be part of our next spring salad.


  1. Looks wonderful... and your description of the day made me feel like I was there... wish I had been! xxoo yer sis

  2. We had Spring Beauties in our bush in Morin Heights but I haven't seen any out our way. I'm glad there are some growing in Eastern Ontario. So pretty and delicate.

  3. Rosemary A. O'FlahertyApril 22, 2010 at 8:39 AM

    Hi! I'm Rosemary, the mother of Archie. Isn't he the cutest? My sweet friend, Ronna, is so generous to put him on her blogspot. We had a lovely visit with Ronna last Friday. Unfortunately, in his puppy exuberance, he leaped on Ronna's lap and upset her tea all over her and she didn't even yelp !!
    Archie and I love you, Ronna
