Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ode to the Crocus

With temperatures at 28C, we were sweltering in mid-July heat on the first weekend in April! My lawn popped it's annual frenzy of crocus colour.

Richard and I knew the crocuses weren't going to last long in this heat... we took as many photos of these little beauties as we could.

Aren't they just gorgeous?

You seem to notice their colours more because they just jump out against the drab grass -- that is one rain shower away from turning green.

And we seem to appreciate them more, these first flowers of the year.

Harbingers of things to come.

Welcome spring!


  1. So pretty Ronna. I'm anxiously waiting for the Iris' to bloom in the Blueberry Marsh by our place. They are stunning! Lots of rain coming our way next week.

  2. Beautiful photo essay. Yes, they do pop out more in the dry grass. Did you have lots of bees around them?

  3. The crocus are beautiful, especially against the dry grass. I've never seen them come up like that, what a nice gift.
