Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fishy Tale

We decided to try Steelhead Trout the other night.

I fried it in crumbs and butter...

...and served it with a spring salad and wedge of lemon. Really yummy!


  1. Yum, that looks good. Thanks for your comments about P&P on my blog-- now I really can't wait to watch it.

  2. Ronna, we shopped at the same store! We enjoyed the trout baked in the oven with fresh lemon/ginger/garlic sauce and saffron risotto on the side.

  3. I just tried trout for the first time last night! Pan fried and delicious! Excited to make it myself now at home.

  4. Did you know that steelhead is a rainbow if it stays in fresh water instead of heading to sea?
