Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obama Mania BeaverTails?

Lining up for BeaverTails on the Rideau Canal during Winterlude is de rigueur.

No, they're not really BEAVER TAILS but a pastry in the shape of a beaver tail.

There are many types to choose from. Not on the list is a special flavour, one being served only today when Barak Obama visits Ottawa.

It is a cinnamon and sugar variety with a big "O" made out of whipped cream, drizzled with chocolate syrup. Unfortunately, my visit was too early so I had a regular one with cinnamon and sugar.


1 comment:

  1. I heard after having a Beaver Tail, seeing the health care system, and finding out Canadian banks are the best in the world he didn't want to come back! But, unlike the last one, we want this one to come home! Thanks for being nice to him Canada!
