Friday, February 20, 2009

File 6, Photo 6

I read quite a few blogs and I found this interesting little thing. A wonderful artist I met thru an article she wrote for ATC Quarterly, Shelly has a blog called Paper Mischief. In it she talks about an idea that has been circulating the blogosphere. Go to the "Pictures" file of your hard drive. Choose the sixth folder. Now, open the folder and choose the sixth picture from that folder. The picture that comes up is the one you are to post.
My photo 6 in file 6 was an ink drawing of a sheep that I did for a Christmas Show back in 2006. What's yours? Leave me a comment and let me know.


  1. My picture is of Begonia leaves from my plant last summer. What a breath of fresh air to see that again, this time of year! Thanks!

  2. My picture is a fabulous shot of Zsa Zsa and Eva! Love them!

  3. Done! Check out mine!

  4. I'm a Mac person. I have all sorts of folders in my "Pictures" folder because I can...
    But wait, 6...6...isn't this the Devil's work?

    That might explain Addison's comment...

  5. Come to the dark side, Oxbow...

  6. Hi Ronna -
    Great to hear from you and thanks for the kind words.
    Fun little challenge/game, isn't it?
    Fantastic illustration, always enjoy your work.
    All the best,

  7. Hey,Addison,
    The Gabors? Hello! You know that is no challenge because the Gabor gals never took a bad picture in their lives!

  8. Thank you Dahlink! Love you Newsman.
