Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Brunch in the Woods

This old picnic table was placed in the woods by my dad about 25 years ago in the hopes that we'd have summer picnics out there. Unfortunately, deep in the woods as it is, there were so many bugs that the first picnic we had there was also our last. Until last Monday.

Monday was Family Day in Ontario and a good day to be in the woods. It was a glorious day, about -5C so Richard and I had brunch en plein air.

This time, no bugs! I brought blankets for us to sit on and hot, milky tea in a Thermos.

Tea definitely tastes better in the woods.

As does bacon, scrambled eggs, hot, buttered toast and fresh strawberries.

There was evidence that other forest creatures had enjoyed a picnic of pine cones on the very spot where we were enjoying ours.

Okay so I guess winter isn't half bad afterall...


  1. Next time I can't get a good table at Sardi's, I'll consider this option...

  2. Your picnic reminds me of winter outdoor picnics we went on as kids. There was a good size rocky hill near our home, and most winters my dad would lead us up to the top where we would heat up beans and drink tea. Standing on the top of the hill, we had a good view of the surrounding area. We felt like explorers.

  3. You guys really know how to live!
