Saturday, November 29, 2008

Preview of Tomorrow's Art Show

I decided to do some small folk art paintings on 1" thick pine boards for tomorrow's art sale in Dunvegan. They are all about 8" wide with the largest ones at about 12" long.

This would work well in a cat-lover's kitchen.

A colourful chicken would work on a kitchen wall too.

Don't you just love the expression on Mrs. Chicken's face?

Never saw a purple cow...?

Here's a more standard Holstein with sunflowers.

How about a silly pink elephant?

This cat actually looks like a cross between my cats Oreo and Domino.

I especially love how this rainbow trout came out.


  1. May your show get fabulous reviews - break a leg, kid!

  2. I don't think it's that kind of show...

  3. If she breaks a leg, she won't be able to go on. I don't get it.

  4. hello! lovely art. i seek your blessing. with your credit and contact, i posted your Mrs. Chicken on my web site:

    and soon, i will do the same on this site:

    i do hope this is alright.

    i will of course remove it if it not.

    thank you, Ronna.

    keep up the lovely work


