Friday, November 28, 2008

Egg Specimen ATCs

At this weekend's artist trading card meeting here in Dunvegan, I'm trading this series of ATCs I did called "Egg Specimens." They are done in watercolour, india ink and gouache on coloured mat board. Although they are based on the speckles and dots that appear on real eggs, none of them are actual eggs. Kind of an amalgam of a bunch of designs. Me playing Mother Nature perhaps?


  1. Which makes us all ponder "which came first - the Black-billed Plover or the egg?"

  2. Oh, Ronna, these are gorgeous !!! Amazing how the simplest images can be so striking. Great job.

  3. I've been trying to think of a word to describe your art Ronna, and I think that word is "immediate." I just look at your work and I'm right there and not thinking of anything else.
