Monday, December 1, 2008

Yesterday's Art Show

Well another one bites the dust, eh? Yesterday was our Fifth Annual Art Sale and boy did time fly.

I had tons of stuff and I think it looked really good on the long, wooden tables at the Dunvegan Hall.

We had lots of people which was great...

...and they bought lots of stuff. Also great.

And we even had a bit of music to go along with some refreshments. Great day.


  1. Ronna, it all looks great! I'm glad it went so well.

  2. And in celebration of Cyber Monday, I bought a couple of things on line...Thanks, Ron!

    xxoo Sis

  3. You're a great sister! Too bad I don't have a few more...then I'd have sold out!

  4. Never sell out, girlfriend. It all looks fabulous!

  5. Thanks for posting these photos. Your work looks scrumptious ...good enough to eat (or at least eat off of)...
