Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wild in the back!

Fifteen years ago I wrote and illustrated this book published in the U.S. It seems that last spring the publishers decided to not only reprint it and put it back into circulation, they've also created an e-book. Very exciting. To see the link on for new, used and the e-book edition click here. Pretty cool, considering wild edibles seem to be popular again!


  1. Ronna, i would love to find a copy of this book! I searched on line but could not find it anywhere. Hopefully I can find it second-hand or a new copy somewhere. I found, years ago in a thrift store"The Edible Wild" and was fascinated by wild plant food.

  2. Congratulations! I got my copy about 10 years ago - love the recipes and illustrations. Good to see that it is being reissued.

  3. Thanks for the link, Ronna. I just placed my order. Looking forward to reading it!

  4. oh sounds interesting, will check it out, had no ideas you did illustrations
